August 1, 2022

Bash Shortcut: Ctrl and Alt keys

Commands for moving

Ctrl + a: move to the beginning of line
Ctrl + e: move to end of line
Ctrl + f: Move forward a character
Ctrl + b: Move back a character
Alt + f: Move forward to the end of the next word
Alt + b: Move back to the start of the current of previsous word

Commands for Manipulating the History

Ctrl + n: Fetch the next command form the history list (same as Down arrow)
Ctrl + p: Fetch the previous command form the history list (same as Up arrow)
Alt + <:  Move to the first line in the history
ALt + >: Move to the end of the input history ( the line currently bein entered)
Ctrl + r: begins a backward search through command history
Alt + p: Search backward through the history using a non-incremental search for a string supplied by the usser
Alt + n: Search forward through the history using a non-incremental search for a string supplied by the usser
Alt + . : Insert the last word of the previous history entry
Ctrl + x + Ctrl + e: launch editor defined by $EDITOR to input your command. Useful for multi-line commands.

Commands for Changing text

Ctrl + d: deletes the character under the cursor
Ctrl + v + TAB: insert a tab character
Ctrl + t: transpose the character before the cursor with the one under the cursor, press Esc + t to transpose the two words before the cursor
Alt + t: transpose the two words before the cursor
Alt + u: uppercase the current (or following) word
Alt + l: lowercase the current (or following) word
Alt + c: capitalize the current (or following) word
Ctrl + _: undo the typing

killing and yanking

Ctrl + k: deletes all tet from the cursor to the end of line
Ctrl + w: cut the word before the cursor; then Ctrl +y to yank it
Ctrl + u: cut the line before the cursor; then Ctrl +y to yank it


Ctrl + l: equivalent to clear
Ctrl + s: to stop output to terminal
Ctrl + q: to resume output to a terminal after Ctrl + s

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