March 18, 2024

Using Lambda with API Gateway Tutorial

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through a hands-on experience of creating an AWS Lambda function and setting it up with Amazon API Gateway using Terraform. Getting started The goal here is to replicate the AWS tutorial for creating a Lambda function triggered by API Gateway, but using Terraform for the infrastructure setup. The AWS tutorial guides you through creating a simple Lambda function that performs CRUD operations on a DynamoDB which can be triggered via an HTTP request through API Gateway. Read more

June 21, 2023

Deploy WordPress With Amazon RDS

I aspire to become a cloud architect, specializing in AWS. To enhance my skills, I’m currently focused on learningfrom AWS Hands-on Tutorials and actively practicing their exercises. To kickstart my learning journey, I deployed WordPress on an EC2 instance connected to an RDS instance. This practical experience allows me to solidify my cloud knowledge effectively. Getting started First, I created an Access key for my admin user on the AWS console. Read more

April 10, 2023

Deploy Arch Linux microVM with Firecracker

Firecracker is a virtual machine monitor that leverages KVM to rapidly launch Linux guest VMs. Its key advantage is its ability to quickly start up VMs. Firecracker was created by AWS with the aim of boosting the speed and efficiency of AWS services such as AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate. Written in Rust, Firecracker is licensed under the Apache version 2.0. Firecracker is an open source virtualization technology that is purpose-built for creating and managing secure, multi-tenant container and function-based services that provide serverless operational models Read more

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